Kick Scooter share

PUDO’s Kick Scooter share offers Singe rides, 3 Day Pass, weekly Pass, Monthly Pass and an Annual membership. Prices varies by cities and states.
PUDO kick scooter allows group Joy ride by allowing one user to unlock multiple kick scooter for a group ride.
PUDO offers discounts to rides with financial assistance.
Our Kick scooter travel distance varies from 20 to 40 miles on a single charge. (We are working to increase the distance on our upgraded fleets)
PUDO will be offering Mobile location services for people with no smartphone by calling customer service to unlock fleet using their debit or credit cards to unlock ride.
Riders can reserve scooters up to 30 minutes in advance before use.
PUDO conduct identity verifications to prevent underage riders.

How it works

1. Download the app, sign up and select your plan.

2. Locate our vehicle in the app. Rent or reserve the closest to you.

3. Scan the QR code to unlock moped. Put on your helmet.

4. Ride. Enjoy the ride and return it to any of our dock station.