Pharmacy and Medical supply delivery
Non-Prescription medication Delivery
PUDO offers different types of delivery.
How it works
1. Place your order in our app.
2. PUDO sends notification to our DOERs/Shoppers in your area to shop in your local selected pharmacies or retail stores.
3. Doers preparing your orders.
4. Order or items delivered to your preferred address.
How it works
1. Send us your prescription (Let your doctor send a new prescription or transfer to us online.)
2. Confirm your delivery date. (Users can us or we call and text you to set up delivery, pay your copay.
3. Received your prescribed medications. by one of our registered Doers within hours
4. Set Up Auto Refi, get your meds automatically delivered each month without reminder.
Send New Prescription Tab
Patient Portal login.
Upload link/ take a picture of Rx.
Upload link of insurance cards
Refill a prescription tab
Refill now tab/ Refill at a selected date calendar.
Transfer of Prescription tab
Transfer button initiated by user via eprescribe/eFax /call/ text/app.
PUDO deliver’s both controlled and refrigerated medications for no additional charge.
PUDORx plans to offer free daily delivery of prescriptions within 20 miles of your local pharmacies or stores with your Medicaid or private insurance approval.
Medical Supply Delivery PUDOms.
We deliver medical supplies you need both same day delivery or on demand assistance of medical devices or medical equipment.
Our Medical couriers (Doers) are trained professionals who deliver medical supplies and products to our wide range of users. Our Drivers are licensed medical professionals gig workers.
Durable Medical Equipment and Medical Supplies are delivered to your door or at the facility you reside.